Northampton Generating Facility

exterior of grey colored northampton plant with steam coming from stacks

The Northampton Generating Facility is located in the anthracite coal mining region, in the Town of Northampton, Pennsylvania. The facility is designed to convert the anthracite mining refuse (culm or coal refuse) left over from decades of coal mining in the region into energy while also engaging in the remediation of the former refuse sites. Employing state-of-the art Ahlstrom Pyroflow circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler technology, the facility efficiently burns low BTU refuse in an environmentally safe and beneficial manner. Along with other coal refuse reclamation to energy facilities, Northampton provides a unique and profound environmental benefit by consuming coal refuse from mining activities as well as from abandoned coal refuse piles. As a consequence, abandoned mining sites can be reclaimed and restored to usable land and environmental damage from acid mine drainage, fugitive dust and harmful air emissions, along with human health and safety issues, derived from these coal refuse piles are eliminated. Elimination of fugitive dust and pile fires, along with the mitigation of acid mine drainage runoff provides a material environmental and health benefit to surface water and ground water and to the watersheds and communities in the areas from which the project performs these activities.

Northampton, PA
Gross Capacity (MW)
Commercial Operation
Power Sales
Steam Sales
GE steam turbine, Ahlstrom Pyroflow Circulating Fluid Boiler
Fuel Supply
Anthracite Coal Refuse (Culm) produced prior to 1985
Asset Manager
Olympus Services, LLC
Operations and Maintenance
Northampton Energy Services
Fuel Management
Northampton Fuel Services, LLC